29 Desember 2008

(2) Comments

particle illusion S=23Mb


membuat effect ledak,matrik,kabut dan masih banyak lagi efek efek yang menarik,kamu tinggal pilih jenis effectnya --terus klik 2 kali -- atur atur sedikit....record simpan dalam format .AVI..jadi deh
Cindy Panders

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Jumlah Komentar = 2
Anonim said :
23 Januari 2009 pukul 06.59
Half price for particle illusion was a good buy. You can even get some cool particle emitter libraries from a company called www.CGPlanet.net for

cheap. Whats more they have a buy one get one free and can be used with particle illusion and my combustion program. So cool and customizable. Wow

check it out and see some cool videos of them too. They even work with Autodesk Combustion too. Sweet!
Anonim said :
16 Oktober 2009 pukul 19.27
opo LINK'e ga iso di download..payah

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